Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Make 2009 The Best Year of Your Life!

I thought I’d start 2009 off with a weekly Monday Morning message to help us all “Wake-Up the Passionate Leader”. Its purpose is to make 2009 The Best Year of Your Life by keeping us on track with our purpose and passions in both our personal and professional lives - and to share our progress in a blog - www.thepassionateleader.blogspot.com (click - sign on - share your wisdom).

2009 Angel/Mentor Card - I’ve found it interesting to pick an angel and a mentor card every year, (www.innerlinks.com). I put them on several business cards and place them in several conspicuous spots to remind me.
My Angel - Discernment - “Use your sharp-sightedness to make clear distinctions and wise choices. Move forward with confidence in your inner compass.” Do so with Clarity! What’s yours! How has it affected you? (Share on the blog)

The Best Year of Your Life Kit (http://www.hayhouse.com/details.php?id=2334)
This program is a recipe for falling deeply and passionately in love - with yourself! I’ve decided to “come out of the closet” and more fully live my personal mission “Igniting inspiration by enthusiastically coaching people around the world to discover the simple truth that loving ourselves leads to manifesting our passions and fulfilling our need for purpose” in my Leadership Development work. Each week we will be given an assignment - it’s up to us to follow through during the week.
Week One Assignment - Openhearted Giving
Take a few minutes to reflect on the special people in your life. See what gift from your heart you could give them that would let them know how you feel. Could you make a special dinner for your mate? Could you plan a special outing for a parent, sibling or child? How about bringing flowers or a homemade treat to your co-workers in the office? Try slipping a love note into your kid’s lunch boxes or your lover’s briefcase.
Come up with three over-the-top ways to share your heart with those you love. Notice how you feel afterwards.

XLR8 YOU!!! Leadership Excellence - Sharing Best Practices
Elaine and I are starting our 15th year using the XLR8 YOU!!! Leadership Excellence process. While it has evolved over the years, it basically focuses on these elements:
Understanding & Developing Yourself
Leading Others & Building Teams
Transforming the Organizational Culture
You have asked us to do a better job keeping us all connected. Please use the blog (www.thepassionateleader.blogspot.com click - sign on - share your wisdom) to “brag” with humility - the world needs more of what you are doing!