Weekly Inspiration: Insight from a recent daily quote from Abraham-Hicks Publications
“The best thing you could do for anyone that you love is be happy! And the very worst thing that you could do for anyone that you love, is be unhappy, and then ask them to try to change it, when there is nothing that anybody else can do that will make you happy. If it is your dominant intent to hold yourself in vibrational harmony with who you really are, you could never offer any action that would cause anybody else to be unhappy.”
- For those who like “happy songs”, take 3 minutes to listen to Song Inside (click) from Wayne Dyer’s 2009 movie, The Shift (click)
XLR8 YOU!!! – An invitation to our vision:
For all of us to awaken to the magnificence of our limitless possibilities.
We just completed another XLR8 YOU!!! Leadership Excellence kick-off week @ Bristol Harbour. We now have the distinct pleasure of working with these people for the next 18 months or so. When you talk about happy, these weeks are truly a source of joy and happiness for us all!
We start off on Monday morning with the “Lifeline” exercise, which can be found in The New Leadership Paradigm - Leading Self Booklet (click). It is such a simple exercise, but can be very powerful. If you haven’t done it, it’s very simple. If you have, find it and update it to the present. Here’s how it goes.
- Purpose: To uncover and understand the events that have defined who you are today
- Objective: To determine what is important to you in your life – now and into the future.
- Draw a horizontal line on a piece of paper (landscape), approximately one third down from the top. This line represents your life from birth to death. Mark where you are right now with your age. Leave room for the part of your life that is as yet unlived.
- Mark above the line, with approximate dates, the most significant life changing events that you have experienced—your successes, your moments of greatest joy.
- Mark below the line, with approximate dates, the most significant life changing events that you have experienced—your challenging times, your moments of sadness.
- Write brief notes against each event indicating how this experience impacted you, what you learned about yourself, and what strengths/qualities showed up in you. Jot down how you changed or your relationships changed as a result. Write down the values that became more important to you and the values that became less important to you after each significant experience.
- When you have finished, look for common “positive” and “negative” themes, qualities and values.
- If you have someone you can share with, take 20 - 30 minutes to tell them your life story and what you believe you have discovered from carrying out this exercise. If you are listening to the story, you may ask clarifying or probing questions, but do not speak of your own experiences. When you have finished, ask the person who has been listening to summarize what they heard and provide any comments or insights they might have.
- Summarize what you have learned about yourself. Based on what you learned about yourself, write down the themes/qualities/values - positive and limiting - that are consistently showing up in your life.
- Write down what qualities and values you think are important for you to embrace between now and the end of your life.
- Complete the worksheet.
We start with this because first and foremost, people who choose to follow us want to know who we are. At Leadership Week, it sets the tone for openness and honesty while beginning to clarify and focus our authentic self.
I encourage everyone to not only do this for yourself, but to have your team complete it and share with each other.