I was notified by the Wake Up Live the Life You Love publisher that the book I’m contributing to is going to “draft” print. We will each get a copy to proof and then it will go to press. There are co-authors from these countries: USA-31, Canada-2, UK-2, Italy-2, Germany-1, Israel-1, Dubai-1, South Africa-1, Australia-5, New Zealand-2, Virgin Islands-1. Who knows where this might lead ~ maybe nowhere ~ but at least I took a risk!
- Zig Ziglar’s Inspiration: 365 Days A Year
- My favorite quote for the week of April 6th – April 12th: “Four short words sum up what lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: A LITTLE BIT MORE. They did all that was expected of them and … a little bit more.” – A. Lou Vickery
- This is illustrated perfectly in the Simple Truths Book/Video – 212o The Extra Degree A client showed it at the end of a quarterly staff meeting I attended to emphasize that great things can happen with just ... a little bit more.
- The Best Year of Your Life: Get Debbie Ford's Kit
- Week Thirteen Assignment – Surrender
- You needn’t always insist that your own perspective and opinions are the only right ones.
- Week Fourteen Assignment – Risk
- To move forward powerfully and achieve quantum results, we have to take risks. Do you have a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) on the table right now? Identify one place in your life where you are not getting the results you desire. Write down three actions you could take that would be outside your usual comfort zone that would move you toward your BHAG.
- Practice XLR8Forward: Ask three people whose opinions you respect how they would go about achieving your goal. Then listen! Steal shamelessly!
- Creating a Culture of Leadership Development – A Drop for Your Bucket!!! Send an electronic drop or comment by going to the blog and clicking on the “comment” icon at the end of this week’s posting.
- Praise someone you know who took a risk. My congratulations go to the team I worked with last week who worked through a “Naming Elephants” session. It was a little scary, but so worthwhile. You can’t be the best team you’ve have ever been on by playing it safe!
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