Weekly Inspiration: You Can Do It! (click) Affirmation by Louise Hay from her 2010 calendar:
- “I communicate easily and lovingly with all living beings, great and small, and know that they deserve my love and protection.” This fits perfectly with a Warren Buffet interview someone sent me this week entitled: The Best Advice He Ever Received (click) He spoke of the biggest lesson he received from his father about unconditional love and that when you offer it to your child, you are “90% of the way home.”
- It made me wonder about offering it and accepting it. In my own family of origin, it was offered to all four of us, but only two of us accepted it. It has been the difference in the quality of my life, and hopefully, I passed it along to my children.
- Lastly, do you love yourself unconditionally (the “L” in my formula)? As Warren states, it’s not uncritical love and there may be days when you don’t feel like it, but you know that you can always come back. For those who don’t get or accept their parent’s unconditional love, it’s a long, difficult road, but one worth taking.
XLR8 YOU!!! – An invitation to our vision:
For all of us to awaken to the magnificence of our limitless possibilities.
We’ll continue this week on our road to JOY!!! in our formula that begins with “G” - more clarity and focus on your God, Genius, and/or Greatness. As I mentioned last week, when I clarified my unique ability as an enthusiastic, positive, consensus builder who advocates fresh, but often unpopular ideas in a way that leads to self discovery & change, I got very charged up!
A deep thinker on this subject is Dan Sullivan, founder of The Strategic Coach Program (click). In his audio presentation, “Focusing Your Unique Ability,” he spoke of identifying your Unique Ability and then concentrating on it for at least 10 years, which means 10,000 hours of focus. This will transform it into “Genius” and provide a unique value to the world . . . a tall order for sure, but that’s when I started in 1994.
After following last week’s exercise, I understood how my Unique Ability had gotten me to where I was at the time, however, I also realized that I was successful doing much of this work unconsciously, and even in a self-doubting manner at times. I decided that my future success would hinge on being totally conscious, committed, and confident in continuously developing and practicing my Unique Ability. Since I didn’t want to be where I was anymore professionally, I had to explore what profession would allow me to make a living focusing on my Unique Ability. Given my experience as an executive leader and my passion for creating workplaces that truly valued people first, I was attracted to executive leadership coaching.
I used the words in my own Unique Ability to guide my studies:
- Enthusiastic: (latin: en – in + theos – god/spirit) – thus my vision statement above inviting you and your organization to awaken to the magnificence of our limitless possibilities.
- Positive: I have studied Positiveness; Appreciative Inquiry; Positive Psychology; and other forms of positive energy creation and healing incorporating them into my work and personal life.
- Consensus builder who advocates fresh, but often unpopular ideas in a way that leads to self discovery & change: that sounds like a coach/consultant to me. I hired a coach, joined a professional coaching organization and took certification courses.
How could you look at your Unique Ability statement in the same way and be more conscious and committed to continuously improve and spend more time practicing it?
Next time, I’ll take you through a very simple exercise which will help you place more focus on your Unique Ability.