Sunday, April 26, 2009

Week 17 - XLR8 The Passionate Leader

One of the 3600 assessments we use, Leadership Values, is truly a measure of your character in the eyes of those you lead. During Leadership Week, we show the video “Walk the Talk” as an introduction to handing out their 360 data. Take three minutes to watch this video to start your week thinking about your leadership character, and send it to someone who you would like to Walk the Talk this Monday.

  • Zig Ziglar’s Inspiration: 365 Days A Year
    • There are a couple of quotes for the week of April 27th – May 3rd: “Character is not in the mind, but in the will.” - Fulton J. Sheen; “Character is what you are in the dark.” – D.L. Moody.
      • When you lead by the values you espouse, you lead with integrity. The leadership values assessment asks you to pick the top 10 values you espouse in your leadership. How that matches up to the ones your assessors choose are not only an indicator of your self awareness but also a measure of how well you Walk the Talk.

  • The Best Year of Your Life: Get Debbie Ford's Kit
    • Week Sixteen Assignment – Say NO!
      • If you were successful in saying NO to those activities outside your Unique Ability, now take the time to study, practice and teach it. Do so for 10,000 hours and you will be a genius!!!
    • Week Seventeen Assignment – Take Your Own Advice
      • This week pay close attention to the advice you’re giving people that are consistent with your values. What do you suggest to those around you to lead better lives?
      • As you give advice to others, notice if you could use a dose of your own medicine, and take whatever steps or actions you’ve recommended for them.

  • Creating a Culture of Leadership Development – A Drop for Your Bucket!!! Send an electronic drop or comment by going to the blog and clicking on the “comment” icon at the end of this week’s posting.
    • I conducted a “graduation” this week with someone who had eight matching values from his assessors from his first and second 3600 assessment. His values are truly coming out loud and clear. It was truly a pleasure to work with him because he lived up to the “ready, willing and able” contract we discussed when I first met him two years ago. He will now be working closely with two other people with similar jobs but with a different focus. Knowing him, he will learn as much as he shares. Congratulations!!!

To date, we have 171 subscribers. My goal is 1,000 by year end. We need your help!!! Invite a friend, colleague or sign up your team this week.