Monday, February 2, 2009

Week Five - XLR8 The Passionate Leader

This week’s theme is vision. How will you change the world ~ through the vision for your life!!! I’m betting that the three people who took me up on my offer for the FREE MOVIE SCREENING of Wayne Dyer’s just-released movie “Ambition to Meaning” (see Week Four) will gain further insights into their vision. I’m looking forward to their “comments” in subsequent blog postings. Don’t forget to subscribe (box to the right) and get new blog postings directly.

  • Zig Ziglar’s Inspiration: 365 Days A Year: Watch the Video @ Inspiration 365
    • My favorite quote for the week of February 1 – 7: A vision is a clearly-articulated, results-oriented picture of the future you intend to create. It’s a dream with direction. – Jesse Stoner Zemel (co-authored Full Steam Ahead with Ken Blanchard)
      • The manifestation of those dreams are our passions. I read The Passion Test on an airplane to Aruba in 2006 and knew it had to be part of the XLR8 YOU!!! Leadership Excellence process. While I haven’t changed my top five passions, I do update my markers every year while I am here in Hawaii (a realization of a childhood dream).

  • The Best Year of Your Life:
    • Week Four Assignment – Look for What’s Right
      • Right after I wrote this, someone who I let irritate me in the past did something that really annoyed me. It reminded me that when you make a commitment for something, that commitment often gets tested immediately, particularly if you need to work on it.

    • Week Five Assignment – Envision Your Best Life
      • Once you have created a vision or articulated your passions, create a Vision Map. Buy several of your favorite magazines, cut out pictures and words that inspire, uplift, and motivate you to realize one or more of your passions. Make a collage that is a visual representation of what you want to create in this area of your life.
      • Lastly, hang your Vision Map someplace where you’ll see it daily. Pay attention to those opportunities that will undoubtedly arise for you to realize your dreams. Are you ready to say YES?

  • Creating a Culture of Leadership Development – Sharing Best Practices:
    • I got a call last week from someone who just joined an Executive Team I am working through The XLR8 Teams!!! Process with. He apologized for bothering me in Hawaii which was unnecessary because he made my day (it was raining anyway)! He was preparing to share his DISC Success Discovery Process (SDP) information with another member of the team and had a couple of process questions. Other than sharing his DISC with me, he hadn’t begun the SDP with anyone else yet. This process, while amazingly simple, has had profound benefits way beyond what I envisioned. Indeed, in some cases, it was the first step in their transformation process.
    • Please make a “comment” about your experience with DISC / SDP, as it just might begin someone else’s transformation!

Subscribe & share your comments please!!! To date, we have 65 subscribers. Click on the mailbox below and invite a friend.

1 comment:

  1. Continually working on self awareness has proven to be most benificial to me, it's helped me better understand me. It allows me to analyze my actions at this exact moment and understand that nobody is the master of everything, or even themselves for that matter.

