It’s back to school. Thank you to the teachers who love what they do for our kids. My oldest daughter, Laura, is one of them. She found her passion and love for teaching during our kick-off leadership week in June, 2002. She just graduated from college and didn’t know what she wanted to do in her career. Her mom was a teacher in our community’s urban school district and got burned out by the system. She did not encourage Laura, due to her experience, which is understandable. Laura, however, discovered she was born to teach and each year leaves her mark on the children of the world.
- Zig Ziglar’s Inspiration: 365 Days A Year
- My favorite quote for the week of September 7th – September 13th: “Character is the total of thousands of small daily strivings to live up to the best that is in us.” Lt. Gen. Arthur Trudeau
- As coaches, we are also teachers. In my opinion, the best coach of all time is John Wooden. He defined success as the peace of mind attained only by self satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you are capable. He never talked to his players about winning - just doing their best.
- Take a look at John Wooden's Video on True Success – it’s 17 minutes long – but I’ll guarantee you’ll learn a lot in those 17 minutes. Open it and save it for later.
- The Best Year of Your Life: Get Debbie Ford's Kit
- Week Thirty-Five: Forgive Yourself
- If that thought returns – say to yourself – “I have forgiven myself for that.” Don’t waste any more energy on it.
- Week Thirty-Six: Choose Powerful Interpretations
- You can make that above-mentioned forgiveness more powerful by choosing the lesson you learned from it. When you think of that situation or circumstance from your past, think of the lessons it taught you.
- This interpretation either adds to the quality of our life or takes away from it. This week, choose the one that builds self-love.
- Creating a Culture of Leadership Development – A Drop for Your Bucket!!! Send an electronic drop or comment by going to the blog (click on this blog’s heading – Wake Up the Passionate Leader above) and click on the “comment” icon at the end of this week’s posting.
- We love it when people send us things to include in this blog. Here is a quote someone would like to share with you. It is particularly pertinent since he recently achieved a very important goal. Congratulations!!!
- “We are at our best, and happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy, on the journey towards the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile”. – Earl Nightingale
- As I’ve said on this blog in the past, Earl Nightingale was my audio Dad. He was best known for a book entitled: The Strangest Secret. It was one of the first audio programs I listened to. It is also a Simple Truths book and DVD. Watch the 3 minute video
To date, we have 230 subscribers. Our goal is 1,000 by year end. We need your help!!! Invite a friend, colleague or sign up your team this week.
I agree that as coaches we are also teachers. I think along with that as coaches / teachers we are also students. I know that I always learn more about myself or about the subject matter that I am teaching while I am helping somebody else understand it. Coaches - Teachers - Students are all co-dependent on each other for continued success.
Dave G.