Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week 46 - XLR8 The Passionate Leader

What would Peter do? Peter Drucker that is. The November Issue of the Harvard Business Review (HBR) celebrates The Drucker Centennial – “How his wisdom can help you navigate turbulent times.” Born in Vienna on November 19, 1909, (he died in November, 2005) Peter Drucker had a profound impact on how people around the world organize themselves in the realms of business, government and civil society.

One of my favorite Drucker HBR articles is Managing Oneself – “Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know themselves – their strengths, their values and how they best perform.” It is the last of four articles included in the pre-workshop preparation for the XLR8 YOU!!! Leadership Excellence process as well as included in every Learning to Lead and XLR8 Teams!!! Notebook we send out. I’ll be highlighting some of his thinking as we end the first year of this blog.

Zig Ziglar’s Inspiration: 365 Days a Year

    • My favorite quote for the week of November 15th – 21st: “The service we render others is the rent we pay for our room on earth.” Wilfred Grenfell
      • Drucker spoke about the purpose of a company is to create and serve a customer. “A business … is defined by the want the customer satisfies when he or she buys a product or service. To satisfy the customer is the mission and purpose of every business.”
      • One might want to expand the “rent” concept to investing in the ownership of the earth, for which business is currently the greatest withdrawer yet should be the greatest depositor.

  • The Best Year of Your Life: Get Debbie Ford's Kit
    • Week Forty-Five: What’s Your Story?
      • I hope your story included your next chapters as well.
    • Week Forty-Six: Create a Plan of Action!
      • Lots of people have hopes, dreams, wishes and fantasies about how they’d like their lives to be, but few have translated their desires into clearly defined goals.
      • We use The Passion Test to provide a framework for manifesting your unique ability, personal mission and values. By determining your top five passions, you can then pick the “markers” or goals that will help you live them. You are more likely to act upon them according to Napoleon Hill. “Cherish your visions and dreams, as they are the children of your soul, and the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.”

  • Creating a Culture of Leadership Development – A Drop for Your Bucket!!! Send an electronic drop or comment by going to the blog (click on this blog’s heading – Wake Up the Passionate Leader above) and click on the “comment” icon at the end of this week’s posting.
    • We have had a series of “graduations” over the last month. For those of you who are non-clients, this represents the culmination of approximately two years of working together. In the vast majority of cases, there has been tremendous growth in self awareness and development, coaching capabilities, and living in greater alignment with their passions and purpose.
    • As importantly, they understand that their learnings are ongoing. We are very grateful for the opportunity to contribute to their leadership growth in the future. Thanks!!!

To date, we have 257 subscribers. Our goal is 1,000 by year end. We need your help!!! Invite a friend, colleague or sign up your team this week.

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