Weekly Inspiration: You Can Do It! (click) Affirmation by Louise Hay from her 2010 calendar:
- “The child in me knows how to love and sing and dance and heal. I honor and cherish myself.” For those who have attended the kick-off week for XLR8 YOU!!! “Leadership Excellence”, you may remember that I show my kindergarten graduation picture during my opening comments. Read more below in my excerpt from my first chapter.
- I had a wonderful compliment this week from a client that speaks to this story. He stated that we provided a visual picture of this journey of rediscovery that he had already begun. He didn’t know he needed it but sure was glad he was presented with the opportunity to participate.
2010 Passion Review/Marker Update:
An essential part of being all you can be is developing a discipline of periodically reviewing and revising your passions and markers. Below is my #4 “Passion” and my 2010 “Markers”. (Make a comment on the blog and share yours, then others can steal shamelessly - just give credit where credit is due.)
- My #4 Passion: Traveling around the world for business and pleasure
- Vacationing with Elaine in Aruba and Hawaii
- Having a family week together on Cayuga Lake during Andrew’s graduation from Cornell
- Participating in the Values Centre Worldwide conference in Asheville in September
- Go to China on a Rochester Business Alliance trip in October
XLR8 The Passionate Leader: The New Formula for Business – G + L + F = JOY!!! (This is the first excerpt from Chapter 1 - XLR8 YOU!!!)
Our Vision – For all of us to awaken to the magnificence of our limitless possibilities
I remember when we came up with this in the kitchen. Just like any organization’s vision, this has kept us inspired for the last 15 years.
So, let’s start with you are “here” and you want to get “there”. How will you get “there”? Where is “there” anyway? I believe “there” is not a predetermined place. Many of my spiritual teachers over the years have stated the following in one way or another: “Who you are and what you know when you are born is everything that you need to know to thrive. You are born with a sense of self and a sense of loving self to feel good and the mechanisms to bring it about.”
Unfortunately, most often our memory is erased by life itself, but fortunately it can be rediscovered. A case in point is that several years ago, I came across a picture taken for my kindergarten graduation. I’m dressed in a white shirt with a bow tie, with a brush cut and a smirk on my face. The picture mesmerized me when I looked into my eyes because I believe I knew everything then that I am still trying to figure out today. It reaffirmed a study that I site that speaks of the genius level creativity of children ages 3 – 5 being at 98%. By 20, that had been reduced to 2%!
Who or what is responsible for that – life itself! I knew then that my work must be centered on helping myself and others to find the courage to “awaken to the magnificence of our limitless possibilities”. Rediscovering our genius, if you will, and putting it to work to serve others . . . or putting it my favorite way: “doing what you love in service of those who love what you do”.3
So, how do we do that . . . by first admitting that YOU must take responsibility for your own development – personally and professionally. By the way, it isn’t an either / or.
And second, by asking for help. I think it was Earl Nightingale, my first audio mentor, who said “five years from now, you will become the person you will become from the books you read and the people you meet.” If at least one of those people is an excellent coach, then you will get there faster – XLR8!!! (Say it three times fast – accelerate).
Put those together and you get XLR8 YOU!!!
Be part of the book. Each chapter will feature a real life story or two pertaining to the content of the chapter. While I have some folks in mind, I’d love to hear from you! I wouldn’t be writing this book in the first place if you had not come into my life. Don’t be shy – yours may be THE story that inspires someone.
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