Sunday, March 8, 2009

Week 10 - XLR8 The Passionate Leader

Remember, if you are a subscriber and want to comment, please click on “Wake Up the Passionate Leader” on the top of this e-mail you are reading. If you are on the actual blog, scroll down to the bottom of this week’s post and click on “comments”. This week’s theme is Intention.

  • Zig Ziglar’s Inspiration: 365 Days A Year
    • My favorite quote for the week of March 9th – March 15th: You are the way you are because that’s the way you want to be. If you really wanted to be different, you would be in the process of changing right now.” – Fred Smith
      • We are getting ready for the kick-off week for XLR8 YOU!!! Leadership Excellence at Bristol Harbor this week. It is a great time to get in touch with what you want to be different through your passions, writing them down and then sharing them with those who can help you. Are you ready, willing and able?
      • A great book to help you is What Got You Here Won't Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith. Upon request, I can send you an Audio-tech book summary transcript.

  • The Best Year of Your Life: Get Debbie Ford's Kit
    • Week Nine Assignment – The Power of Choice
      • Be the first to share the two choices you made this week and the impact they had to win a FREE SIMPLE TRUTHS BOOK/DVD of your choice. (Go to the blog and click on the comment icon at the end of this week’s post).
    • Week Ten Assignment – Take the Week Off!
      • This is the week to appreciate what you have already accomplished.

  • Creating a Culture of Leadership Development – A Drop for Your Bucket!!! Send an electronic drop
    • While packing for Leadership Week, I came across Joe’s rocks. He came to Leadership week with the intention to get out of his comfort zone in order to learn what he needed to learn. He found three rocks during his morning runs. On the last day, he shared this story. The first rock looked like a baked potato cut in half - kind of the way he felt on the first day - sliced open for all to see. The second one was more fully formed but had several blemishes on it. This is how he felt by mid-week - like he was making progress. The last one was almost a perfectly-formed baked potato. Through all the self reflection, feedback and support from his new-found coaches, he recognized himself and his potential and as importantly, he had a plan of action. I love those rocks - thanks Joe!
    • If you don’t want to blow your horn – how about recognizing someone else’s leadership success - big or little – please share your comments.

To date, we have 147 subscribers. My goal is to reach 1,000 by year end. Invite a friend or colleague this week.