Sunday, May 3, 2009

Week 18 - XLR8 The Passionate Leader

My friends and colleagues, Joy and Kathy from just sent their “angel” for the month of May – Awakening - “Let the sun illuminate parts of you that are dormant, numb, or forgotten. Rub the sleep from your eyes and welcome the new dawn.” Now that spring has finally arrived in upstate New York, awakening is a great theme for this week.

  • Zig Ziglar’s Inspiration: 365 Days A Year
    • My favorite quote for the week of May 4th – 10th: “The most important opinion is the one you have of yourself, and the most significant things you say all day are those things you say to yourself.” – Zig Ziglar.
      • I’ve been reading my advance copy of Wake Up…Live the Life you Love – EMPOWERED. I’ve caught myself thinking limiting thoughts of what might come of being in this book. It dawned on me that my ego was in the way. While it would be nice that someone enjoyed my chapter, maybe the real purpose is to see what I learn from the other authors. Then, the rest would be gravy.

  • The Best Year of Your Life: Get Debbie Ford's Kit
    • Week Seventeen Assignment – Take Your Own Advice
      • Did you find that there was something for you to learn in your advice to others? Why is it so easy to see other’s shortcomings – because you have “seen” it in yourself!
    • Week Eighteen Assignment – Turn Off Your Shadow Box!
      • Most of us experience a deluge of negative chatter on a daily basis that reminds us of our weaknesses and reinforces our limitations. This “shadow box” repeats the same message over and over again.
      • Often an “awakening” begins with being sick and tired of being sick and tired - listening to this endless drivel. Choose not to listen to it and pay attention to what you could say to “welcome a new dawn.”

  • Creating a Culture of Leadership Development – A Drop for Your Bucket!!! Send an electronic drop or comment by going to the blog and clicking on the “comment” icon at the end of this week’s posting.
    • I’ve been collecting stories of Leadership “awakenings” from working with our clients. Here are some of the quotes that are so fulfilling. I tried to come into this - open and receptive to whatever came my way this week. What I got in return has changed me forever. I have always believed in my abilities, and now I’m imagining the possibilities to unleash the energy!” Thank you for inspiring me to define what I really want, how to get there & how to believe in myself to make my work and personal life the best it can be.”
    • These clients and others know what how to combat their “shadow box” with their “awakened box.”

To date, we have 177 subscribers. My goal is 1,000 by year end. We need your help!!! Invite a friend, colleague or sign up your team this week.