Sunday, December 27, 2009

Week 52 - Wake Up The Passionate Leader

Well, well . . . we did it - a whole year of weekly blogs. What we anticipated being a chore was indeed a pleasure. Maybe I can write that book after all! As a matter of fact, this blog will look different next year. Each month, I’ll be focusing on a chapter of the soon-to-be-released: Wake-Up The Passionate Leader – The New Formula for Business: G + L + F = Joy!!!

I am grateful to all of our subscribers who have made comments either on the blog or to us directly. You inspired us! Please take the time to watch this three-minute video: May You Be Blessed (click), our final message for 2009.

Are you ready for 2010? How are we going to make it the beginning of your best decade ever? Together!!!

Zig Ziglar’s Inspiration: 365 Days a Year

  • My favorite quote for the week of December 27th – January 2nd: Courage is the decision to place your dreams above your fears.” Anonymous
    • When participants of XLR8YOU!!! “Leadership Excellence” arrive at Bristol Harbour for the kick-off week, a copy of an excerpt from Nelson Mandela’s inaugural speech is at their seat. The first line reads: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” We are born with such power and most of us have lost some of it. In order to be the best leader we can be, we need to get clarity and focus around our passions! That is what G + L + F = Joy is all about.

The Best Year of Your Life: Get Debbie Ford's Kit (Thank, Debbie, for a great year!)

  • Week Fifty-One: Please Yourself
    • I didn’t get a gift certificate for a massage this year, so I went out and bought everybody one - including myself. Now there is a win-win!
  • Week Fifty-Two: Love Your Body
    • Nothing can rob us of self-love and worthiness than letting our bodies go. Which part of your body needs attention? Is it high time for a massage, dental visit, or something physical? I bet most of us could stand a little more exercise. Select a self-loving ritual to give yourself daily.

Creating a Culture of Leadership Development – A Drop for Your Bucket!!! Send an electronic drop or comment by going to the blog (click on this blog’s heading – Wake Up the Passionate Leader above) and click on the “comment” icon at the end of this week’s posting.

  • We have been thinking a lot lately about slowing down. We have now put a timetable together so that three years from now we will retire from the majority of the work we are currently doing. We will still be doing something to serve others, but not so intensely.
  • Our exit strategy begins with our book which will chronicle the last 20 years of leadership development study and our coaching practice. During that time, we will be looking for someone who wants to continue this work and make it their own. This is already in the works with our anchor client, Wegmans Food Markets, who we have had the pleasure of serving since 2001. By the time we pass the torch at the end of 2012, we will have worked with nearly 200 leaders in all parts of their company. What a great start to make this the best decade ever!!!