Sunday, January 3, 2010

XLR8 The Passionate Leader: (G + L + F = JOY!!!)

Happy New Year to all! As I mentioned in my last post, I will be changing the format and focus for the second year of “XLR8 The Passionate Leader” blog. For the month of January, I will focus on more fully living my passions by coming up with new markers for 2010. Similar to last year, there will be weekly inspiration, this year in the form of an affirmation from Louise Hay and others. The final segment will be an excerpt from the book I am compelled to write: XLR8 The Passion Leader: The New Formula for Business: G + L + F = JOY!!! So let’s get on with it.

This is a great time to look at your top passions and update your markers for the coming year. Since it is the beginning of a new decade, what is your BHAG! (Big Harry Audacious Goal? – open the blog and make a comment for all to see). I realize there are many new subscribers who may need additional information on passions and markers. Please e-mail me at and I’ll bring you up to speed.

During the month of January, I will take the lead and list mine. Make a comment on the blog and share yours – then others can steal shamelessly, just give credit where credit is due.

  • # 1 Passion: Bring peace and happiness to myself and those I love:
    • Improve my spiritual disciplines: happiness list; meditation; affirmations - see angel below
      • My 2010 Angel card – Abundance – “create an attitude of generosity and act as though there is plenty for you and everyone.” Give freely and generously. (pick yours @ Pick an angel/mentor - click here)
    • Take fitness to the next level: Weight below 170; Join Gold’s Gym - go five times/week
    • Work with Steve D’Annunzio & Richard Schultz as my coaches
    • Finish writing: XLR8 The Passionate Leader – my BHAG!!!

Weekly Inspiration: You Can Do It! Affirmation by Louise Hay from her 2010 calendar

  • This can be a year of great joy. Affirmations are created to support us as we live from day to day. What we think is what we get. Life will support whatever you choose, so choose only the best and highest good for yourself.
    • “Positive change is in the air. I bless and prosper everyone in my life, and everyone in my life blesses and prospers me.” What comes to mind related to this thought? For me, it’s the belief that you cannot get what you want in life by wishing that others won’t get what they want.

XLR8 The Passion Leader: The New Formula for Business: G + L + F = JOY!!!; Introduction

Questions that come to mind are why write a book and who would read it anyway? As the title “XLR8 The Passionate Leader” implies, this is deeply connected to my passions. For that reason, I not only have to write it, but I don’t believe I will fully realize my passions if I don’t write it.

Several people have been kind enough to suggest, given the impact we have had on their lives, that we should capture these experiences in a book. I have discounted this for some time because I haven’t had too many original ideas in my work. Indeed, I have read and studied widely and taken what has worked for me and my coaching clients in designing my leadership development approach. There a many coaches like me doing good work, but not as many who have focused on the heart and soul of leadership. Well, then maybe I should.

But I’m at the end of my career, nearly sixty-three now. How much longer will I work? Would I get a return on my investment of time and energy? I can write, but it takes me a long time to get psyched! Then again, many very successful people didn’t hit their stride until later in life. Louise Hay, who is 84 and looking great, was on Oprah a couple of years ago, talking about a movie she just released based on her breakthrough book: You Can Heal Your Life, which she wrote when she was about my age. Not only was it the culmination of her life’s work, she appeared on Oprah almost twenty years ago to the day, and she has never been the same . . . nor has the world! If she can, and countless others have, then maybe I should. Is it a coincidence that I am using Louise’s 2010 calendar while finishing my book?

What brought me to the edge was when I read: The Passion Test on an airplane to Aruba in late 2006. When I wrote down my top five passions and the subsequent “markers” for each, writing a book crossed over all five. I started talking to people I knew who had written books and got a lot of ideas and encouragement. I spoke at a professional conference which forced me to capture my latest thinking and had it taped, so I could use the transcript to help me, since I am a talker not a writer! I knew I could do it and it would be of value to the world.

Be part of the book. Each chapter will feature a real life story or two pertaining to the content of the chapter. While I have some folks in mind, I’d love to hear from you! I wouldn’t be writing this book in the first place if you had not come into my life. Don’t be shy – yours may be THE story that inspires someone.

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